With a depth of entrepreneurial, investment, and managerial experience, our board committee members can contribute to the success of many types of companies. Our investment services can connect your company with venture capital and angel investor funds.
Financial and Investment Services for Growing Companies
Fahad Alrajhi Group provides global financial investment
services to a diverse set of businesses.
Our Global Financial Investment Services & Portfolio
Fahad Alrajhi Group provides global financial investment services to a diverse set of businesses. Our portfolio of companies hail from industries that include:
- Aerospace
- Automotive
- communication
- eCommerce
- Education
- Entertainment
- Food and Beverage
- Investment
- Pharmaceuticals
- Real Estate
- Retail Fashion
Our Current Valued Investments
Our investment and financial portfolio includes innovative companies from many industries. They each have a sense of responsibility for improving the lives of their customers.
How Our Investment Services Benefit You
Financial and investment services can provide your growing company with more than just funds. As we add companies to our investment portfolio, we put hard work into helping those companies grow. We make your success our success.
Obtaining early-stage funds from venture capitalists or angel investors will often be more advantageous to your company than taking out loans. Why? Because investors:
- Don’t require you to pay back investments. We instead value a share in your company, carrying part of the risk of your venture with you.
- Can provide business mentorship. We became investors because we have success and experience behind us that we can share with you.
- Provide contacts and credibility. By working with us, you can gain access to contacts who could become consultants or customers, along with being able to state that you have our backing.
- We can provide insights with data and market information from our companies, partners, and research.
If we have already invested in a similar company to yours, we may have immediate insights to share with you. We’re excited to help you grow.
* Fahad Alrajhi Group will never share confidential information about your company with other parties or non-competing companies. These materials include trade secrets and other confidential information.
Interested in Doing
Business with Us?
Do you have a big idea for a business? Or have you already started yours? Contact Fahad Alrajhi Group today. Fill out your application for a chance to give us your best pitch.